The perception of mental health importance has changed globally. Although considered a major obstacle to development, it has just been settled in the agenda through the UN Sustainable Development Goals, becoming one of the primary social and economic challenges for Europe.
One in four people will suffer from mental health problems throughout their life at any age, with a direct effect on people's health, the economy of a country and the community relationships.
Traditionally, this reality has been addressed from medical and health approaches. However, mental health is a complex problem that has several causes and can appear at any time throughout a person's life. This challenge is approached from prevention models instead of intervention once the mental disorder is diagnosed, enhancing protective factors and reducing risk factors as key levers of change.
The VIIIth edition of the 10x10 Càpsules d'Innovació Social project promoted by Sumar called for public, private and mixed initiatives that solve problems associated with this challenge, from wich the best 10 innovations were selected by a jury of experts.