Scaling the impact

Introducción Escalas EN

We take the lead to scale solutions with differential value and transformative potential. We also accompany processes of adaptation and implementation of innovations with impact evidence.

We combine three strategies to scale impact: growth of the organization (scaling out), reassessment of the institutional framework (scaling up), shift of the cultural context (scaling deep). The goal of scaling is to generate systemic changes that allow to fully solve social problems.


ArtE (The Art of Employability) is an itinerary to support the socio-labour insertion process of people in vulnerable situations.


Accompaniment of the strategic reflection of the organisation aimed at developing its full potential impact.

Factoría F5

The objective of Factoría F5 is to create the first digital and solidary school in Spain, following the training and inclusive model of Simplon, developed in France.


European adaptation of the US model PACE, a financing mechanism that improves the population's access to energy rehabilitation measures of buildings.

Social Impact Bonds

A Social Impact Bond (SIB) is a pay-for-results contract signed between a public administration and impact investors, used to finance a series of innovative interventions aimed at solving a specific social problem.


Teaching-learning model of mathematics that covers nine courses, from pre-school education to eight course.