
Podcast in Spanish

We talk about what is going on in the world around the main transitions already taking place, or pending, and how we can accelerate them. These questions have become more relevant since the arrival of COVID-19, and even though its emergence has magnified social challenges, it has also accelerated several changes that were, until recently, unthinkable.


— Albert Bravo-Biosca, Director, Innovation Growth Lab at Nesta
— Carmen García de Andrés, President of Fundación Tomillo and Board Member of Telefónica
— Gemma Galdón, Founder Partner, Eticas Consulting
— Gorka Espiau, Managing Director, Agirre Center for Social and Political Studies
— Isabelle Le Galo, Director for Spain, Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso
— Irene Arias, CEO, BID Lab — Javi Creus, Founder Ideas for Change
— Liliana Arroyo, Researcher, ESADE Institute for Social Innovation
— Host: Miquel de Paladella, CEO, UpSocial

December 1st 2020