How to better connect young people and the unemployed with quality job opportunities?

Basque Country

Concerns about unemployment and low quality employment are growing as the problem becomes chronic, suggested by the high rates of unemployment and underemployment.

Therefore, this challenge is focused on identifying proven innovations that improve connections between supply and demand for employment, especially for young people with a medium to high level of studies (secondary school, technical college or university) without forgetting other age groups.

In particular, this challenge seeks to identify initiatives operating in the following areas:

  • Brokerage: information, guidance, support and mentoring.
  • Employability: second chance to do secondary school or professional training, dual training, work placements in an environment rich in SMEs.
  • Promotion of technological and scientific vocations, where there is the highest present and future offer of skilled employment.
  • Training and formal, informal and non-formal education, tailored to the needs of companies.
  • Promotion of entrepreneurship: ecosystem, incubation, support, training, funding, etc.
Challenge completed
December 2015