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Intro Socios EN

UpSocial works in collaboration with strategic partners to define social challenges and to implement the selected solutions.

If you are looking for innovative solutions to social problems, we can help you quickly identify, select and implement them successfully.

"la Caixa" Foundation

Aligned with the foundational values of "la Caixa", the foundation develops its social purposes by contributing to the progress of individuals and


A think tank consisting of professionals from different disciplines, who work together to generate expert knowledge that facilitates the transition

Balsam Foundation

Balsam Foundation exists to enable and galvanize the well-being and potential of Canadian communities.

Barcelona City Council

Ajuntament de Barcelona (the Barcelona City Council) supports this initiative and encourages solving social challenges framed in different areas an


DinàmiG is the Agency of Innovation and Development of the Garrotxa promoted by the City of Olot and the Regional Council.

Direcció General d’Acció Cívica i Comunitària DGACC

The DGACC is part of the Department of Labor, Social and Family Affairs of the Generalitat of Catalonia.


A platform by ”la Caixa” Foundation that, understanding education as a force of social transformation, supports managers, teachers and student


A global development and humanitarian action NGO with over 25 years’ experience working to defend children and their rights, and especially the rig


Network of major European cities, bringing together the local governments of over 140 of Europe's largest cities and 40 partner citi

Fomento San Sebastián

Public company of the City Council of Donostia / San Sebastian responsible for the sustainable economic development.
