Children's University

United Kingdom
Ger Graus
Directory of Social Change – Every Day Impact Award (Winner – 2011), Third Sector Excellence Award (Winner – 2012), Children & Young People Now Award (Winner – 2012), The Charity Awards (Highly Commended – 2012) Charity Times Awards (Shortlisted – 2012), Global Business Excellence Awards (Nominated – 2014) and WISE Awards 2014 (Nominated - 2014).

Extracurricular programme that encourages children from 5 to 14 years old to try new experiences, discover and develop interests, and acquire skills through a menu of different activities. These are carried out by accredited partners, such as museums, sports centres, universities, community partners and extracurricular clubs, etc.

Impact indicators
  • Since its inception in 2007, it has grown 1,100%.
  • In 2013, 16,000 children from all over the UK participated in about 3 million hours of activities.
  • The evaluation carried out by Cambridge University in 2012 concluded that the children participating in this programme improve their attendance and achieve greater success than children from the same school who do not take part.